For a whole day we went to a Reptile Farm a few hours drive from Tana. I didn't really like the idea of going to a reptile farm, but the wish to see all the reptiles up close was stronger. When we got there we found out more about the farm and saw that the reptiles had really good big enclosures so that it wasn't too bad. They are breeding the reptiles to export to Europe and probably other countries. The good thing about this is that the reptiles aren't all taken from the wild. The first couple are taken from the wild but that's it… not like in other areas where they keep taking them. First of all we went up in the forest where a group of Sifakas and a group of Brown lemurs are living. They are wild lemurs but used to people and used to getting some banana from time to time so that they lost all their fear of humans. It was amazing to see them up close like that. Way cool! They even jumped on our shoulders! Their fur is so very soft and their feet and hands are really padded. It was a great experience to see them and know that they are still able to look after themselves and search their own food. Check out the pics… magnificent animals. Afterwards we looked at the various frogs, invertebrates, leaf tailed geckos and chameleons. The chameleons were great… they were in a big covered area with lots of bushes and trees and we were allowed to just go and take them out of the trees to take photos. There were really beautiful ones and all different kinds. It was a great honour to be able to see them all up close and to feel them. The really big ones hurt a fair bit as their claws went right through the skin and one bit me, but honestly I didn't care. It deserves to bite me if I simply pick it up… would do the same if I was a chameleon. A GREAT experience! I took heaps of photos of them. They also had butterflies, tanrecs and bats, but I do not know if they are breeding those as well. Pictures say more than a thousand words so just enjoy these wonderful creatures.
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