From there we went on to the next village to pick up one of the workers from ANGAP who is our guide for the field work. His name is Fia Dana and when he got onto the car there wasn’t really a lot of room to move or have blood circulation in your legs. Try sit in the back seat of a ute with four people … stuff a few backpacks, food, drinks and other supplies in there… get on a decent 4wd road and then see if you feel your legs afterwards. From that village on the street got worse and worse and it really wasn’t too much fun sitting squished in the back seat. Unfortunately

the driver didn’t completely seem to know the way and took the wrong road (which we found out on the way back from the camp). The road was getting worse and the trees, bushes and cactuses moving closer in on the road. In the end it was so bad that the car was simply stuck between two walls of cactuses. I haven’t got a clue why the driver went in there and kept going. The screeching noise of the cactuses and spiny branches pushing against the car was awful. The car looked so bad afterwards… no brand new car anymore… rather a completely destroyed paintjob I’d say. After a while the driver decided that it didn’t make any sense to keep going (what a genius). He then noticed that we couldn’t get out of the car and with that not unload the luggage (double genius) so he had to back up until the door would open enough to get out.

While we unpacked the stuff we were searching for a charette (a cart pulled by zebus) for further transportation to the area we wanted to set up the camp. Fortunately we found one and loaded most of our stuff onto the charette. Ole, Jacques and I went with the charette to talk with the people from the villages and search for a camp site. One thing is for sure. If they tell you it’s just 3 kays from here it is at least double that… in our case it was about 10 kays… bllllooooooody hell^^! On the way we had to pick up all our potatoes and carry them ourselves as the cart was loosing them all (like Haensel and Gretel ^^).
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