For our research we had to get our permits from
ANGAP as the research area is in the National Park of Andoahela. To get there we needed to get on a Taxi B. I haven't got a bloody clue how they know where and when you can get on those taxis. The Taxi Bs are the public transport system. They are mini busses and you pay 300 Ariary for each ride (250 Ariary would be 10 cent). These busses are really small but they try to squish as many people in there as they can fit… and when they can't fit anymore in they
stick a few extra in there. When all the seats are filled they hand out wooden boards. The people on the aisle seat have to lift their butt up and the board is put underneath them so that additional people can have a seat.

Once the bus is really full (Malagasy full) they stand on the back of the bus. Once we were 33 people inside one of the busses… at that time I lost the feeling in my legs LOL. After ANGAP we went and walked around the city a little more, getting a SIM-card for my phone and some bananas. We also ate a fair few Sambossas which are little pastry type of things filled with meat and potatoe/veggie mix. I personally only like the ones with little or without meat as the meat is mainly gristle and I don't like chewing on that. Generally you also have a lot of dirt and sand in them as they are made right next to the street. One evening we ate in a real nice restaurant… probably one of the best. It was even really clean. We had a cockroach running around on the table but you get that everywhere and having just one is pretty good. Within Tana people and especially the kids are begging a lot and some are very persistent and don't leave you alone for quite a while. It is annoying but I am used to it from other countries.
1 comment:
Always wise not to eat meat in a country with no refrigerators!!!! I've been on bus trips like that in Greece--you go numb! Dizz
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