It was the first time to visit the real market in which you can also buy meat. It’s a big covered area in which it smells like a dead elephant. Yes I know not everyone knows what that smells like, but it simply is the best way to describe it. Just imagine something really yucky, that makes you feel like you have to throw up. You try to not breath through your nose so you can’t smell it, however when you breath through your mouth you actually taste it. YUCK! You basicly become an instant vegetarian when you look at the meat….

Well… if you can see the meat which is mostly covered by flies. The market is a very interesting and scary experience. You are strongly warned not to take any valuables with you if you don’t want to “loose” them. Whatever you buy, they are trying to rip you off… if you are white or even Malagash but with a richer background they automatically increase the price dram
atically. Then it is time to discuss and talk them down. A major problem is that a lot of people from richer countries are willing to pay nearly any price they name which isn’t really all that good as it ruins the whole system and the money never reaches the ones that need it anyway. This also reminds me of the clothes on the market. All over the world people are donating clothes for poor countries… also for

Madagascar. It was quite interesting to see that the people there actually still have to buy all those clothes. The stalls buy one big package of donated clothes and hope it has got good ones in it. Then they fold them all up and try to sell them on the market. So none of the donated clothes are actually given for free to those people that really are in need.
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