Tuesday, 11 November 2008


You have to get used to the food a little, but it tastes really good. It is always about the same with slight variations…. Rice and beans…and beans and rice…and surprisingly rice and beans again LOL Rice for breaky, rice for lunch and rice for tea! YUMM! As for drinking you had rice water haha, which is the rice that is burnt on the bottom of the pot filled up with water and cooked for a few hours. It tastes like … well… burnt rice really. You also had the choice of drinking filtered water from the river which I admittedly prefered unless I wanted something warm to drink. I also tried the tea that they make and was amazed how extremly dark they manage to get the tea without getting any taste what-so-ever into it. I haven’t got a bloody clue how they do it. As a change from rice and beans we also had a potato, carrot and cabbage mix which was quite nice as well. Believe me you are more than thankful when you get out of the camp and are able to eat something else for a change… variety really keeps a meal nice. Once we bought some fish of the people from a village in the area. They were fried for a long time (everything is either fried or cooked for a few hours) and eaten whole afterwards. It is not actually to die for… rather to die from! LOL. Nah it’s not so bad really once you ignore it is a whole fish you are eating there with bones and all. I was not able to eat the head but… I just couldn’t do it. We also bought meat for the camp which they do NOT cook in the beginning and then store it. They only cook as much as they are using for the next meal… the rest is hanging on a rope between two trees. It’s a sight you really have to get used to. When the meat went completely green they cut it into little piece and fried it till it was all crispy. I personally didn’t eat the meat after the first day and I found it having a strange smell and taste… which I guess all meat gets from just hanging raw in the sun with lots of flies on it… after it was laying on the back of a ute in a plastic bag, in the sun for a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How the hell you never got food poisoning I don't know! I would be skin and bones when I came home. LINDA